206 Lawson for damages of £7000 to £8000. It was noted that our cover was limited to £5000 in this case. F. L. Conference It was agreed that we submit the follow- ing matters for discussion at the Annual Conference to be held on 28th April:- The desirability or otherwise of Gland Treatment. Excessive watering of grounds prior to matches. Cup Final Tickets The reply of the Football Association, was read. Fleetwood F. C. An appeal for financial assistance, was not entertained. Letters of Thanks These were read from the F. A. of Wales, & St. Johnstone F. C. Secretary The salary of this official was consid- ered & the Chairman informed him that it had been unanimously agreed that this should be increased to £1,000 per annum. In replying, the Secretary told the Directors how he appreciated their action, & was proud to be associated with the Everton Club. Next Meeting Tuesday, 11th April at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct, E. Green Chairman.