203 £7 winter plus £1 extra when in 1st team. This was confirmed & it was agreed that we play a match at Perth next September for expenses only. Continental Tour It was decided that we write the German F. A. retracting the promise to tour, on account of the political situation & that the Secretary make some enquiries regarding the possibilities of extra matches in Holland for remunerative guarantees. F. L. Presidency Secy. read letter that Mr. Brook Hirsts nomination had been withdrawn in favour of Mr. Cuff. Cup Final Tickets Secy. was instructed to writs the F. A. regarding our allocation, which was fewer than formerly. Painters It was agreed that 2 extra men be employed to carry out the necessary work as the estate throughout the Summer. H. Hume This players engagement having terminated, it was agreed that the player's expenses of Ten pounds be refunded. South L'pool F. C. Secy. was instructed to make arrangements for our representation at this Club's Annual function. Testimonials Secy. reported projected testimonials to Messrs D. Hughes (L'pool Police) & J. E. Knowles (L. M. S.) & he was instructed to find out Liverpool F. C's intentions. Letters of Thanks These were read from Clarence Junior F. L. Lord Baldwin Fund, L. N. O. C. A, & the Southern Hospital. Indemnity Secy. was instructed to issue new script to A. Evans against his indemnity. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares Nod. 845 to 847 from v Roberts to T. Percy. Office Boy This office was considered, & it was left to the Secy. to deal with the situation. Next Meeting Tuesday, 28th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman.