202 [Meeting held at Goodison Park, L'pool, Tuesday, 21st March, 1939.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 14th inst., & of Finance Meeting of the 16th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Birmingham £1716.9.11 Middlesbro F. C. £152.10.2 Cheques were signed for:- St. Johnstone F. C. £3250.0.0 Customs & Excise £281.12.8 Birmingham F. C. £215.12.8 Football League £13.11.1 L'pool City Police £14.14.0 Ribble Motors £54.5.0 Theo. Kelly £352.5.0 Bank balance £22,561.1.3 Dr. Medical Mr. T. P. McMurray reported cartilage trouble with Trentham & Dr. W. T. Davies reported all players fit except Hume. Team Following team was chosen:- v Stoke City Res. (h) 25th inst. Burnett, Jackson, Jones, Lindley, Edwards, Milligan, Barber, Sweeney, Catterick, Sharp, Caskie, Res. Gee. Paton (B'mouth) Mr. H. Hart gave a very poor report of this I. R. Davies (Hull) Mr. W. Laine felt that this player was worth having further observation. Johnstone (Q. Pk.) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good report of this C. H. who was prepared to turn professional. Caskie J. Secy. reported the signing of this player at £3,250; £10 Signing on Bonus, & Wages of £6 Summer,