194 Halifax Town F. C. Letter read requesting the sending of an XI to play in a benefit match for E. Craig. Decided to consider this later in the Season. Wigan Athletic F. C. A request from this Club for financial assistance was not entertained. Derby County F. C. It was agreed that we do not part with J. E. Jones to this Club. H. M. S. Liverpool Secy. was instructed to order a full outfit in our colours for the use of this ship's crew. Benefits Decided to make application to the Football League to pay E. Sagar £650 & S. G. Bentham £500. Letters of Thanks These were read from Fairfield F. C.; Notts County F. C.; Railway Benevolent Institution; Hilton Crowther; L. Pemberton; National Institute for the Blind & the Irish Table Tennis Association. Indemnities Secy. was instructed to issue new script to H. E. Day & H. Linaker against their signed indemnities. Share Transfers Following transfers were approved :- Share No. 609 from W. Clothier to H. M. Clothier. do No. 2406 do W. W. Savage to N. R. Gourley. do 508 do J. Burrows to N. W. Coffey do 1212 do S. Sawyer to do. do 1214 do A. Sawyer to do. do 1336 do M. Gillmore to do. do 1334 do W. Gillmore do. do 1498 do R. Gillmore do. do 22 do D. N. Gillmore to A. R. Coffey. do 23 do J. Coffey do. do 24 do F. Coffey do. do 25 do M. Gillmore do. do 26 do M. Coffey do. do 27 do R. Barrows do. do 1885 do M. Ledson to W. H. Morrison.