193 H. Hume It was agreed to give this player a further month's engagement. D. Johnston It was also agreed not to offer this player an engagement. F. A. Cup 6th Rnd. In the event of a drawn game at Wolverhampton on the 4th prox., it was decided to reserve all seats as follows :- Sides of Ground 5/-; Goal ends 3/6. McKeown (Cliftonville) Mr. H. Hart reported this player as being 5'9" & weedy; & not one who would impress. Westtand (Stoke) He also did not fancy this I. L. who was fast but had poor control. He was 5'9" & 11st. Davies (Hull) Mr. T. Fleetwood could not recom- mend this I. L. who the thought was approx 22, 5' 7" & 10st 5. Price (Hartlepools) Messrs W. Laine & R. Bentham's reports were not in favour of this O. R. King (N'ton) Mr. W. J. Wallace was not greatly impressed by this player's pluck, but gave a great report of Ellwood, I. L. of the same team. J. Evans (Queen's Club) Mr. E. Burgon gave very good accounts of this G. & it was agreed to give him a trial. McKennan Mr. R. R. Cochran gave further good reports but the Partick Thistle Club were not prepared to part with the player. F. A. Training Course It was agreed to sponsor any of our players who might desire to attend this at Leeds. F. L. Benevolent Fund Letter & circular read regarding this. It was agreed that we support the idea of an annual donation from practice match receipts, in preference to the playing of special matches. Rotterdam F. C. Secy. was instructed to obtain a suggestion from this Club regarding the best terms they could offer for one game in late May.