191 Committee that we would fulfil our obligations by the end of Season 1939-40; asking them to endeavour to obtain immunity from Income Tax charges in respect of the Donations. Hilton Crowther This gentleman was reported to have asked for our support to his nomination as a Member of the F. L. Management Committee. It was agreed that no decision could be reached yet awhile. Use of Ground This granted to the Catholic Boy's Association. Donations Five pounds was granted to the Fairfield (Widnes) F. C., & One Guinea to the S. Railway Benevolent Fund. Letter of Thanks This read from St. Helens District League re E. Worrall Fund. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares 2185, 1091-1094, 1371-1376 & 1558-1560 from H. Corry to H. R. Williams. F. L. President It was decided that the Chairman offer the congratulations of the Directors to Mr. W. C. Cuff, on his election as Acting President of the Football League. Next Meeting Tuesday, 7th Feby. at 6 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman