
		C. F. or I. R. of Falkirk & McKennan. He thought Jordan
		(Cowdenbeath) R. B. was of no use to us.

Irish Players		Mr. H. McDonald's letter having been
		read, it was agreed to offer Hume (ex-Linfield)
		a 4 week's trial at £5 per week.

Keenan			Confirmation was given to the signing
		of this player at wages of £4.5.0 per week, & £5
		Signing on Bonus. Club to receive £100 down, & a
		further £150 should player take part in 6 League
		games; & a benefit match to be played at Hereford
		with the C. L. team this season.

F. A. Cup 5th Rnd.	Secy. reported our draw v Bermingham
		Away on the 11th Feby. It was agreed that Mr. W. C.
		Gibbins toss coin with L'pool F. C. for Wednesday
		replay option, in case of double draw. If a replay
		on Monday, 13th Feby. all seats to be unreserved
		at League prices. If replay on Wednesday, 15th Feby.,
		Members & Shareholders & Blocks D. E. & F. to be reserved
		at 5/- & other seats unreserved at League prices.

Special Training (185)	It was agreed that team train at
		Harrogate from 5th Feby. to 11th Feby.

F. L. Match v Wolves.	Secy. was empowered to agree upon
		a suitable date for this postponed match.

Foreign Tour	(185)	Letter read from F. A. of England that
		there was no reason for objection to our touring of
		Germany in May, excepting the necessity of formal
		permission. Dr. Otto Nerz attended & it was
		agreed that we accept the German F. A. offer of a
		tour at no expense to ourselves.

South African Tour	It was agreed to defer consideration
		of names of players to nominate for this F. A. tour.

F. L. Jubilee Fund	Secy. was instructed to get out
		suggestions regarding this, for the consideration of
		the Board at their next Meeting.