185 transfer of this player for £100 & the most suitable terms between the player & our Club that he could make. F. A. Cup 4th Rnd. Formal report was made of our home draw v Southport or Doncaster on the 21st inst. Postponed Matches Arrangements for the subsequent playing of the matches v Portsmouth & v Bury Res. originally scheduled for the 21st inst. were left in the hands of the Secy. German Tour It was agreed that no definite opinion be expressed just now regarding this, but in the meantime, the Secy. obtain the views of the authorities regarding the advisability of under- taking same. Jewish Petition It was also agreed not to permit this Committee to solicit signatures at one of our League matches. Bottling Wood F. C. A further £5 was donated to this Club. Transfer of Shares Transfer was approved of:- Shares 1762 to 1767 from Exors E. Grocott to W. Grocott. Letters of Thanks These were read from the Brotherhood Movement, C. R. Webster, W. A. Crosbee & L'pool Table Tennis League. Special Training It was decided that the players proceed to Harrogate on Jany. 15th until the 21st. Travelling It was agreed that none but Officials & Players & our own Pressman use our private Railway Saloons. Drs. to Bolton Messrs W. C. Cuff, W. C. Gibbins & T. Percy. Next Meeting Monday or Tuesday, the 23rd or 24th inst., according to exigencies. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman