183 forward. Thou (Ayr) Mr. H. Hart was not impressed in the least by this player. Keenan (Hereford) It was agreed, after hearing the good reports of this player by Mr. Bentham, that the Secy. infer to the Club that we were still interested. Scottish Players Mr. R. R. Cochran reported that McKennan was willing to move & that Black (Hearts) was for transfer. Army F. A. It was decided that Mr. G. Evans represent the Directors at the Jubilee Dinner of this Association on the 25th Feby. F. A. re Complimentary A letter in reply to our request of Tickets the 16th Novr. was read, & was noted. Irish Table Tennis Team It was agreed to invite this teams to our match v Arsenal on the 14th inst. Letters of Thanks These read from Messrs W. C. Cuff & F. Howarth, & also Red Triangle Lads Club. Donation Three Guineas was granted to the Poor Children's Health Holiday Scheme. Next Meeting Monday or Tuesday, the 9th or 10th inst. 6 pm. at Goodison Park. Directors It was agreed that should changes be necessitated, all Directors be notified by the Office. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman