
Director to Blackburn	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Official to Manchester	Mr. H. Hart.

Drs. to Derby		Messrs E. Green & G.  Evans.

Keenan(Hereford U.)	Mr. H. Hart gave a very good report of this
		outside left, who was 19 yrs. age, 5'-10" & 11st.

Hamilton (Carlisle)	Mr. R. Bentham reported that he could
		not recommend  this outside left, but gave a very good
		report of Sanderson, left back of Carlisle.

Stamps (New Brighton)	Mr. W. Laine again gave an unfavourable
		report of this player.

Thow. (Ayr United)	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a good report of
		this player.

Football League History	Secy. instructed to purchase 12 copies of
		this book.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfers were approved:-
		Shares No.1756 to 1758 from A. Clegg to Horace Clegg.
		 do    do 1503 to 1505 from M. A. Sharp to John Charles Sharp.

Indemnity		Instructions were given for the issue of new
		script to Priscilla Gorry, against her indemnity.

Ground 			Secy. was instructed to inform the groundsmen
		that, the ground must be brushed or harrowed on the
		completion of all matches.

Letters of Thanks	These were read from the Workmen's
		Mission V Bootle Kiddies Xmas Treat.

Sweeney			Secy. reported progress re this players signing
		& was given powers to promise a donation to the Club
		not exceeding £300, if the player played 6 games in 1st team.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Jany. 3rd 1939 at 6 pm.

					Confirmed as correct
						E. Green