178 [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park, Thursday, 15th December, 1938] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & all Directors excepting Mr. T. Percy, & Secy. Morton Secy. reported a request from Manchester Utd. F.C. regarding this player & it was decided that he (the Secy.) endeavour to get the best possible price for the transfer. Gee It was reported that Tranmere Rovers F.C. desired the transfer of this player, but it was agreed not to entertain this proposal. Meeting Xes. It was also agreed that when Directors incurred any expenses whatever in attending the Meetings, they should be reimbursed for same. Shareholders Tickets The idea of altering the system of purchase of these, so that a Shareholder could, if he wished, buy a gentleman's ticket in lieu of his lady's privilege ticket, was discussed. It was agreed that we take no steps to alter arrangement the present position. Sweeney F.C. (176) Secy. reported his visit to Northwich re this player, & it was agreed that he be left to endeavour to secure this player's signature as a professional, on the most advantageous terms. F. L. Letter The Chairman reported his further comm- unication from the Football League regarding the incidents following the match V Wolverhampton Wanderers. Various opinions were expressed regarding the tone of the letter, & it was ultimately de- cided that a letter be sent to Mr. F. C. Buckley expressing our regrets. It was agreed that any other