173 was very good in his own position. Hunter (Larkhill) Mr. R. R. Cochran was not impressed by this C. F. He gave a very impressive opinion of Stevenson, O. R. of Cambuslang Rangers. Somerfield (M'field) Mr. W. Laine gave a very good report of this player. Skinner (Totto) & Mr. E. G. Burgon gave good reports of Smirke (Southend) these players who were I. R. & O. R. Respectively. Sweeney (Witton) The Directors responsible, stated that this O. R. had been promised a further trial on the 10th Decr. Trentham Secy. stated that this player had accepted our offer of £6 per week as a full time professional. It was agreed that we indemnity him for his loss of wages due to his accident. N. W. Sharp (171) Confirmation was given to this players signing on at £2 per week. St Edward O. B 1 It was agreed that we recompense the player of this Club, who was alleged to have lost a £1 note whilst playing at West Derby. Players to Watch Secy. to make arrangements. Next Meeting Tuesday the 6th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman