169 Share No. 1918 from E. L. Spingles to T. Percy do 1910 do T. H. Hocy do do 1911 do W. E. Dean do do 1912 do P. L. Howes do do 1913 do G. Hall do do 1892 do M. A. Webb do do 149 do H. B. Ratcliffe do do 145 do H. C. Leyland do do 461 do N. H. Jones do do 463 do G. Stephenson do do 464 do G. D. Jones do F. A. Tickets Messrs Coffey & Gibbins having reported that they had viewed their treatment with regard to allocation of seats at Newcastle on the 9th inst. as not in Keeping with their representation of our Club, it was de- cided that the Secy. write to the Football Association, suggesting that the system of the allocation of seats in the Directors Box at the Representative matches might be reviewed to the satisfaction of Clubs concerned. Next Meeting Tuesday the 22nd inst. 6 pm. at Goodison park. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman