166 of the Football Association President & that the Directors at Anfield on the 16th inst. should decide our ultimate action. Scottish F. A. Permission was granted this Association to utilise Gillick's services on the 7th December, if required. Letter of Thanks This read from the F. A. of Wales. Players to Watch Mr. W. R. Williams to see New Bright Players. Transfer of Shares {102} Following Transfers were approved:- Shares Nod. 781-789 from E. R. Verso to Williams do 995-997 do S. B. Barney to T. Percy. 1840/1841 do 685,686 & 1835-1839 do G. Readle to do do 1139,2420 & 2498-2500 do Exors P. Vaughan to do do 148 do A. Percy do do 1936 do H. P. Ball do do 1932 do L. E. R. Burgess do do 1931 do J. M. Anderton do do 1930 do M. Jarvis do do 1928 do A. E. Birds do do 1927 do W. Russell do do 1926 do J. Kendrick do do 1925 do D. K. Hawkins do do 1924 do B. M. Herriott do do 146 do J. H. Williams do do 1409 do J. Newborn do do 1921 do J. A. Sutton do do 1922 do T. Bennison do do 1923 do W. G. Golding do do 1914 do H. M. Lewis do do 1940 do H. G. Foulkes do do 1939 do R. T. Campbell do do 1947 do L. M. Bullen do do 136 do J. E. Anderson do