159 date. On the day's play, he preferred Holden (O. R.) Arsenal who might be 23 or 24. Hill (Arbroath) Mr. H. Hart did not think this player was so good as when last seen, but that McInally (I. L.) had played a much improved game. He was about 5' 8" & appeared stronger on the heavier ground. Fursdon (Torquay) Mr. R. Bentham gave a very prom- ising account of this young O. R. who was 5' 9" & 10st. 6lb. Foster (Crewe) Mr. E. Cooper gave a disparaging report about this C. F. McKennan (Thistle) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good report of this player. Taylor (Glentoran) Secy. read a favourable letter (C. W.) received about this ex-Partick Dolphin C. F. Notts County F. C. It was agreed that this Club be allowed until 1st Mch., 1939 to settle their indebtedness for the transfer of W. R. Dean. Folds Rd. School It was also agreed that a trophy Bolton be presented to this school for competition, not to exceed the value of Ten pounds. Swedish F. A. Mr. W. R. Williams was appointed to deputies for Mr. A. Coffey on the 27th inst. Austrian Tour It was agreed that we do not accept a suggestion to tour in Austria dur- ing the coming summer. Collections Applications from the Goodfellow Fund, the Merseyside Fund for the Blind & the Shareholders Association, were granted. Letters of Thanks These were read from the Scottish F. A. & the League of Welldoers. Players to Watch Messrs A. Coffey & W. C. Gibbins to see Butler. Mr. H. Hart to see Todd-Taylor Mr. R. R. Cochran to see McInally & Hill