
Martin (Bradford)	Mr. T. Fleetwood was not too impressed by
		this player.

Mitchell (Cardiff)	Mr. E. G. Burgon gave an excellent report of
		this young O. R.

Westband (Stoke)	Mr. R. Bentham gave a poor report of this I. F.

Fish (Fleetwood)	Mr. E. Cooper could not say any thing
		in this O. L.'s favour.

Scottish F. A.		Permission was granted this Association
		to utilise any of our Scottish born players v Wales on
		the 9th November.

Bury F. C.		Letter read from this Club re P. Dougal.
		It was agreed that this be reconsidered at the end
		of the Season.

B. B. C.		Permission was granted for the 2nd
		half broadcasting of our game v Chelsea on the
		3rd December.

W. Boyes		It was agreed that we make applic-
		ation to the Football League for permission to pay
		this player's removal expenses.

Pants Day		It was agreed to purchase 50 imm-
		unity Badges @ 21/6d & to grant permission for a
		collection to be taken.

Cancer Fund		Permission was granted for a
		collection to be taken in the new year, on
		behalf of this object.

Donation		Twenty pound was granted to the
		League of Welldoers, in lieu of a collection.

Use of Ground		This with modification was
		granted to the L'pool Boys Brigade for
		21st May, 1939.

Letter of Thanks	These were read from the F. A. of Wales,
		the Boy Scouts Fund & Sedgley Park F. C.

F. A. 75th Jubilee	Confirmation was given to the arrange-
		ment made to purchase a ticket for the Banquet.