155 [Meeting held at Goodison Park, L'pool, Tuesday, 18th Oct., 1938] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 11th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts:- Gate v Leeds Utd. Res. £77.14.2 Cheque:- Theo Kelly Wages & Xes. £320.0.0 Bank Balance £29100.8.0 Medical Dr. D. T. Davies report was presented to the Meeting. Teams Following teams were chosen:- v Leeds Utd. (h) 22nd inst. Sagar, Cook, Greenhalgh, Mercer, Gee, Watson, Gillick, Bentham, Bell, Stevenson, Trentham. Res. J. W. Davies. v Bolton Wandrs Res. (a) Morton, Jackson, Jones, Britton, Edwards, Milligan, Barber, Cunliffe, Catterick, N. W. Sharp, H. Roberts. Res. McMurray. Directors away To Bolton:- Mr. A. Coffey To Cardiff:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins To London:- Messrs A. Coffey & G. Evans. Todd (Glentoran) Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey did not fancy this player, but thought (I. L.) Lavery was good although small. Secy. was instructed to make some enquiries &c. Taylor C. F. Glentoran & Brown I. R. Cliftonville who was 18. 5'10" & 11st. Also ascertain Hume's fitness & his position regarding a trial here. McInally (Arbroath) Mr. H. Hart was not impressed by this I. L. but very much so by Hill I. R. who was small & stocky.