148 Share No. 2103 from R. E. Hurrell to T. E. Taylor. do. 2104 do. M. L. do do. Letter of Thanks (116) This was read from P. Dougal Players to Watch Mr. W. C. Gibbins to see Clark Mr. T. Percy do Pearson Mr. W. R. Williams do Thompson Mr. H. Hart do Jones Mr. E. G. Burgon do Martin (Bradford) Others left to Secy. Special Training It was decided that the players at Aberdeen should proceed to Harrogate until the 1st October. King (N'ton) Secy. reported that this player was not for transfer at present, but that we would be informed when the position was changed. Next Meeting Tuesday, October 4th, 6 p.m., at Goodison Park. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.