144 Pearson O. L. Newcastle Utd. Very poor Stewart. O. R. Thornton Hibs. Aged 16, 5'ft., very clever but too small. McKennan & Caskie. Scottish League. Very good. Stamps I. R. New Brighton. Big. Did nothing. Smith I. L. do Fairly good. Mr. W. Laine reported as follows:- Pearson. Disappointing compared to last season. Seems to have gone back. Carey I. L. A good reserve man only. (It would appear that he referred to Baird, I. R. who played I. L. vice versa Carey by the match programme). Isaac I. L. Newcastle Utd. Very good. 5'9" & 12 st. White R. B. West Brom. A. Very reliable. Mr. T. Fleetwood gave the following reports:- Stamps. Very promising. Smith. I. R. Crystal Palace. 26, 5'8½". Footwork good but no finish. Smith (C. Palace) Mr. E. Burgon gave remarkably good reports of this brainy player, who was 5'6". Secy. stated that he had secured several opinions in the South, all very favourable. Palace had paid £2,225 for his transfer from Fulham & a fee, if fixed, would be a big one. King (Northampton) Messrs W. J. Gibbins, E. Burgon & Secy. gave very good reports of this young O. R. Jones (3rd Lanark) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave further good reports of this player, & it was decided that he be asked to take the ones of saying whether or not he would suit us. Watmough (P. N. E.) Mr. E. Cooper gave a very good report of this O. R.