143 [Meeting held at Goodison Park, L'pool, Tuesday, 13th Sept., 1938.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter, T. Percy, W. R. Williams & Secy. Minutes of Meeting held on the 30th Aug't were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported Were:- Bolton Wanderers F.C. re Geldard £3500. 0. 0 Gate v Sheffield Wedy. Res. £ 92.18.10 Aston Villa F.C. 20% £ 261. 8. 6 Caernaroon Town F.C. Guarantee £ 15. 0. 0 A Cheque was singed for:- Theo Kelly Wages &c. £ 350. 0. 0 Bank Balance £35,559.4.7 Dr. Medical Report Dr. W. T. Davies report was read to the Meeting. Teams Following teams were chosen:- v Portsmouth (h) 17th inst. Sagar, Cook, Greenhalgh, Mercer, Jones T. G., Thomson, Gillick, Bentham, Lawton, Stevenson, Boyes. Res. Jackson. v Bury Res. (a) Morton, Saunders, Jones J. E., Britton, Gee, Watson, Barber, McMurray, Bell, N. W. Sharp & Davies J. Res. Davies J. W. Director to Bury Mr. T. Percy. Lambert The question of the transfer of this player to Chester F.C. was discussed, but failing further information from the Club, the matter was left in abeyance. Reports of Players Mr. H. Hart gave reports on player he had seen recently as follows:- Carey, I. R. Manchester Utd. Excellent. 5'10" & 11 st.