
King (Northampton)	Mr. H. Hart stated that this O. R. was
		5'6", 18 yrs. old, brainy & promising & should be kept in mind.

Armes (Horden Coll'y)	He also gave a very poor report of this
		O. L. Who was 5'6".

McAlinden (B. Celtic)	Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a very poor report
		of this player whom he had seen at O. & I. R. He was
		23, 5'8" & 11 st.

Foster (Crewe)		Mr. H. R. Pickering was not impressed
& Bramham (R'ham) by either of these C. F.'s

Training &		Consideration was given to an offer
Medical Equipment of certain equipment by Mr. Brad Hall, at a price
		of £425. it was decided not to purchase same.

Jones (3rd Lanark)	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a further good
		report of this player & it was agreed that he be
		instructed to follow this player up, until he was
		satisfied as to his desirability, or otherwise.

Donation		It was agreed to donate Five Guineas
		to the Professional Footballers Golf Championship.

L'pool Hospital Cup	It was also agreed that we would
		provide a team to meet L'pool F.C. in this

Transfer of Shares	Following transfer was approved:-
		Shares Nod. 709-711 from R. Joughin to W. R. Williams.

Secretary's Salary	The Secy. was informed that the
		Directors had decided that his salary should be £650 p.a.
		He suitably Thanked the Board.

Letters of Thanks	These were read from Rogers, Bowler & Co., Lancs.
		F.A., Red Triangle Lads Club, & Kenwood Jnrs. F.C.

Players to Watch	Mr. H. Hart to see Carey & Pearson.
			Secy. to arrange others.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, 13th Sept., Goodison Park at 6 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct
							E. Green