F.L. & Pools It was also decided to notify the
Football League that we favoured the Pools Promoters
offer of £5,000 per year.
Press It was agreed that in future the
representatives of our local papers, be charged with
their rail fare only.
Merritt H. This player's wages were increased to
£2/10/-, he to come under full time training.
Burnett G. It was agreed to offer this Amateur
£1 per week as a Professional.
Kenwood Jnrs. F.C. Twenty-five pounds was granted
to this Junior Club.
Donation Two Guineas was granted to the Red
Triangle Lads, Camp.
Letters of Thanks These were read from the Workman's
Mission, Clarence Jnr. Football League & Belmont J. I. C.
Players to Watch Left to Secy. to arrange.
Lancs. F.A. Benev- Twenty five pounds was granted to
olent Fund this Fund.
Practice Matches These were allocated as per the
Receipts attached list.
Next Meeting Tuesday, 30 inst. at 5:30 at Goodison Park.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green