
			Many great men have kept goal for Everton,	the following Monday : "When the Everton
		and it is no easy task to name their best		goalkeeper makes such superhuman efforts
		'keeper, however, in my humble opinion there		save his goal the backs should be up to he
		are three who stand out from the rest—Ted		him"—but Scott never had a better protect
		Sagar, Wm. Scott and L. R. Roose—and			than Billy Balmer.
		striking a sad note the latter two have crossed	  		The Irish International only allowed
		over to the great beyond.				goals to pass him at Goodison Park in 1906
			Let us take the eccentric L. R. Roose, the	Newcastle, the champions, being next w?
		famous Welsh amateur, whose brief career		twelve.
		with Everton was due to Willie Scott's injury	 		A lengthy controversy arose in the Athletic
		against Sheffield Wednesday in 1904.			News regarding the merits of Sam Hardy
			On taking up his position he would divide	Billy Scott and L. R. Roose, and I think
		his goal in three, then a straight line up the		am right when I say the final placing was
		middle, about three yards; he was noted for		Scott, Hardy and Roose.
		his famous cat-walk, a regular dancing doll,
		the complete showman.						I think Sagar is the most daring 'keeper
			When Everton were making their famous		that ever played for Everton; many people
		Cup fights in 1905, he refused to change his		say he runs out too much, I think he does
		knickers until they were knocked out. They		too, but he gets the ball nine times out of ten.
		met Liverpool in the first round and			He should be locked up for stealing—look at
		succumbed to Aston Villa in a replayed			the times without number he has snatched
		semi-final—imagine the state of his pants.		the ball from bobbing heads in the goal
			This Welsh mad-cap of English football		mouth.
		caused a mild sensation at Goodison, on				Sagar, of course, is playing in an era when
		Saturday, December 22nd, 1904. Everton			goalkeepers are busier than of yore, owing to
		were playing Manchester City, and took the		the game speeding up; due to the change in
		field minus Roose, he had missed his connec-		the offside law.
		tion at Crewe; Jack Crelly went in goal, and			Sagar has given many grand displays for
		the Blues were twelve minutes without a			the "Blues," but one game always sticks out
		goalie. Then a great roar went up, and who		in my memory, it was against Aston Villa at
		trotted on but Scott, and fit or not fit he		Birmingham in March, 1933—Blackpool had
		played well—the score was 0-0.				taken seven out of the Villa the previous
	  		The story of L. R. Roose was well told in	Saturday, and when the teams took the field
		an Everton Programme last November, 1937,		that seven was still on the score-board to
		in "Giants of the Past."				remind the home team of what had happened
	 		William Scott, the nonchalant Irishman,		seven days ago.
		seemed to be always chewing, had wonderful			Everton lost 2-1, Sagar making many
		anticipation, rarely left his goal, and done		brilliant saves, but a smashing drive by
		everything in a quiet cool manner that evoked		Beresford gave Villa the winning goal eight
		admiration. He gave a sample of his wonder-		minutes from time.
		ful coolness against Sheffield United, whom			Sagar's attitude in goal makes one think
		Everton beat 2-0 in the early days of the		of those glorious words: "They shall not
		1904-5 season—he had just made a full			Pass."
		length save and on rising to his knees was			Here are three men, whose styles are as
		confronted by three Sheffield forwards; Scott		different as their names, and in my opinion
		cooly threw the ball over the line for a corner		very little divides them. How would you
		and rolled into the net to avoid the ugly rush:		place them? Well, my humble selection
		they were hard on goalies those days.			would be : Scott 1 ; Sagar 2 ; L. R. Roose 3
			Tityrus, that grand old critic of football,					"RED RICK."
		quoted the following in the Athletic News on