
Auditor's Fees		Secy. was instructed to get a line
		to the Fees paid by other Clubs of our standing.

Staff Salaries		The office Boy's Wages were increased to
		17/6 weekly & it was decided that Secretary's Salary be
		considered at the Meeting on the 30th inst.

Bullens Rd. Painting	It was agreed to accept the estimate 
		of Messrs Tyson's Ltd. to do this work for £178.10.0.

Caernarfon F. C.	Request from this Club for a match was
		granted subject to their meeting any expenses incurred.

Letter of Thanks	This read from the relatives of the late J. Spencer.

Transfer of Shares	Following transfer was approved:-
		Shares Nod. 2213 & 679 & 680 from M. E. Nicholls to F. G. Morley.

Indemnity		Instruction was given for the issue
		of new script to Priscilla Gorry, against her indemnity.

Players to Watch	Mr. E. Green	to see McAlinden.
			Mr. W. R. Williams do McAvoy, if convenient.
			Mr. W. J. Wallace  do Warren.
			Mr. H. Hart	   do Rooney.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, the 23rd inst., 5.30 at Goodison Park.

					Confirmed as correct
						E. Green