135 [Extraordinary General Meeting held at Law Association Rooms, Cook St., L'pool, Friday, 12th August, 1938.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, A. Coffey, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, W. R. Williams & 111 Shareholders. The Secretary read the Notice convening the Meeting. (See inserted Notice) Special Resolution The Chairman addressed the Meeting, & explained the object behind the calling of same. He stated that his only motive was the well- being of the Club, & that, actuated by this, he had studied the proposed alteration of the Articles of Association from every angle & had come to the conclusion that if the Resolution were carried, it would be in the very best interests of every Shareholder. After formally moving the Resolution which was seconded by Mr. R. J. Barry, he asked for comments from the floor of the Meeting. Messrs F. W. Lake, R. E. Searle, J. E. Hindle, C. Wright, A. Riley, C. J. Delaney, C. A. W. Roberts, J. H. Davies & W. Beatty were those who either asked questions or gave their views of the different aspects. Mr. T. Percy explained his purchase of 99 Shares recently & Mr. G. Evans detailed his action with regard to the said Shares. Mr. A. Denaro strongly supported the Resolution, which the Chairman then put to the vote. Whilst the vote was in progress, Messrs F. W. Lake, J. H. Davies, W. E. Bradshaw, J. R. Harper, & T. Percy demanded a poll. The following were appointed scrutineers:-