133 Extraordinary It was agreed that the Auditor's be General Meeting asked to take charge of the Meeting on the 12th inst. & that the Company's Solicitors be in attendance in an ad- visors capacity. Deferred Items It was also agreed that consideration of the Football League & Football Pools offer, & the painting of Bullens Rd. Stand, be left until next week. Aberdeen F. C. Confirmation was given to the arrangement of a match at Aberdeen on the 26th September, for a guaranteed minimum of £400 as Share of Gate. Players for Trial It was agreed that we give trials to Drew (Jersey) & Basher (Bristol) on the 17th inst. J. Spencer Secy. reported the death of this groundsman & it was agreed that H. Wright be appointed to this vacancy on the Staff. Letter of Thanks This was read from the family of the late Mr. Eugenie Baxter. Donations It was agreed that Two Guineas be sent to each of the following:- Workmen's mission; J. J. C. re Belmont Rd's; & the Clarence Junior League. Transfer of Shares The following transfers were approved:- Share No 2362 from Xors R. H. Jones to M. Arthurson do 358 Emma Jones to A. E. Turnbull do 359 do to G. L. McArthur do 360 do to J. D. Turnbull do 2352, 759 & 760 F. Richardson to R. R. do do 66-68 C. McKenzie to Union Credit Corporation do 855-859 & 1304 Xors Mr. E. Parker to W. J. Parker Players to Watch Messrs G. Evans, H. Hart & Secy. to see Jones (3rd Lanark) Bullens Rd Urinal It was agreed to accept Messrs Tyson's estimate of £183 for the erection of an additional urinal at the Gwladys St. end. Notices of Motion Mr. E. Green gave Notice of Motion with regard