
		League regarding our request to make a present to our
		players. He was instructed to pursue the matter,
		asking for re-consideration.

J. Fare			It was reported that this member of the
		Staff was very ill.

F.A. Coaching Scheme	Secy. reported upon the working of this
		scheme at Leeds.

Thomson (Leeds Utd.)	He also reported that he had learned
		that this player was not too desirable a character.

Solicitors		In accordance with the Notice of Motion
		Mr. W. C. Gibbins moved that Messrs T. J. Smith & Son, of 7,
		Harrington St., L'pool, be appointed Solicitors to the Company.
		This was put to the Meeting & was carried by 5 votes to 2.

			Secy. was instructed to meet the Solicitors
		at the earliest opportunity.

Vice Chairman		It was resolved that in the absence
		of the Chairman, the Next Director in Seniority
		should take the Chair.

Bull (Blackburn)	Secy. reported that this player could
		be had for £7,000. No action was taken.

Articles of Association	In accordance with the Notice of Motion, Mr.
		W. C. Gibbins proposed that in the Company's Articles of Association,
		Clause 7 be altered, to admit of each Shareholder having
		one vote for each share held, & that an Extraordinary
		General Meeting of the Shareholders be called for that purpose.
		The proposition was put to the Meeting & five Directors
		voted in favour, Dr. C. S. Baxter & Mr. A. Gates not registering
		their votes.
			It was the decided that the Secretary
		issue to the Shareholders, a notice convening the
		Meeting & also a proxy form in favour of Mr. E.
		Green or failing him, Mr. A. Coffey.
			The wording of the convening notice
		to be as follows:-