
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, 5th July, 1938]

		Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff,
			Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 22nd June,
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		W. Laine		Wages & Xes.	£ 9.8.0
		Theo. Kelly		Staff Wages	£85.0.0
			Bank Balance	£35,925.1.5 Dr.

A. Geldard		Confirmation was given to the transfer of
		this player to Bolton Wanderers for £6,500,
		£3,500 on or before Sept. 1st 1938, & the balance on
		or before December 1st 1398 & it was agreed to
		apply to the Football League for permission to pay
		the player £75 as Accrued Share of Benefit.

J. N. Cunliffe		It was reported that this player had
		entered the Nursing Home for an operation on his ankle.

Insurances		Secy. was instructed to notify the
		Royal Insurance Co'y to regard the Agent as the
		Secretary of the Company in the future.

Bullens Rd. Stand	It was agreed that estimates be obtained
		for the painting of the roof iron work &c., of this Stand.

Band			It was also agreed to re-appoint the
		Cheshire Lines Railway Band for Season 1938-1939 at
		a fee of £75 for Saturday & Holiday matches.

Letter of Thanks	This was read from the Boy Scouts

Transfers of Shares	The following transfers were approved:-
		Share No. 1103 from E. M. Wade	to D. Linton.
		    do    1104       do		to T. E. Linton.

Glasgow Xhibition	Secy. read the reply from the Football