125 been placed in an undignified position & he therefore resigned with great regret. There thus being no contest the Chairman formally declared Messrs W. C. Gibbins, G. Evans & W. R. Williams elected for 3 years. Mr. W. C. Gibbins thanked the Shareholders on behalf of Mr. G. Evans & himself for their renewed confidence & promised future service as in the past. Mr. W. R. Williams in adding his thanks stated that his nomination meant no degree of dis- paragement to the retiring Directors & that he would not permit himself to be actuated by any acrimony. Players Signed Secy. read out the following list of players signed for 1938-9:- Everton F.C. Singed players for Season 1938-39 Goal Keepers:- E. Sagar. H. Morton. P. Lovett. Full Backs:- J. E. Jones. G. Jackson. N. Greenhalgh. G. Saunders. W. Cook. R. Lambert. Half Backs:- C. S. Britton. J. Mercer. M. Lindley. J. W. Davies. C. W. Gee. T. G. Jones. G. H. Milligan. J. R. Thomson. G. Watson. T. C. Wyles. W. Edwards. Forwards:- A. Geldard. J. N. Cunliffe. R. C. Bell. T. Lawton. T. Gillick. W. Boyes. J. Davies. H. Merritt. A. Stevenson. S. J. Bentham. D. Trentham. H. Catterick. Vote of Thanks Mr. E. Edwards & Mr. D. Cumella proposed & seconded respectively, a very hearty vote of thanks to the Directors for their past year's services & particularly referred to the good work of Mr. R. R. Turnbull. The Meeting then closed. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman