124 Other factors that relieved a drab Season were the successes of the 2nd & 3rd teams in the Central League & L'pool County Combination res- pectively. The former team had created a record in points & goals for, & had also won the Championship by a margin of 10 points-a greater margin than ever before. The Club had endeavoured to supplement & strengthen the personnel, & although prices for even untried players were suicidal, if the right man was obtainable, the price would be no deterrent. No stone would be left unturned in an effort to keep the traditions of the Club in the public mind. Auditors Report Secy. then read the Auditors' Report. Reading of Balance On the proposition of the Chairman, Sheet seconded by Mr. E. Green, the Directors Report, Accounts & Balance Sheet were unanimously adopted. Dividend It was agreed on the proposition of Mr. W. C. Gibbins, seconded by Mr. G. Evans, that a Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid, on the paid-up Capital of the Company for the year ending 7th May, 1938. Re-election of Auditors Messrs T. Thedore, Rogers Bowler & Co., were re-elected Auditors, on the proposition of Mr. A. Lomax seconded by Mr. D. Cumella. Re-election of Directors The Chairman reported that Messrs C. M. Dolby & F. S. Flinn had requested him to withdraw their nominations & that Mr. R. R. Turnbull had stated that he did not wish to seek re-election. Mr. C. M. Dolby speaking on behalf of Mr. F. S. Flinn also stated that they thought the best interests of the Club would be served by their withdrawal. Mr. R. R. Turnbull stated that he had