121 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Monday, 20th June, 1938] Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, R. R. Turnbull, A. Gates & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of 1st inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- The Football League Insurance on Tour £33.0.0 Messrs Tyson's Ltd. New Stand &c £2077.3.10 F. Morton & Co. Ltd. do £965.14.10 H. Roberts do £127.13.5 Kleine Co. Ltd. do £879.5.9 Smith, Fletcher & Co. Ltd. do £192.17.9 A. Leitch & Partners do £1639.10.10 Lancs F. A. Senior Cup £25.15.7 W. C. Cuff Fees re 197, W. Lane £22.2.1 Theo Kelly Wages & Xes £74.0.0 Bank Balance £36,272.10.3 Dr. (Including above) Glasgow Exhibition Reports were given of the matches:- v Aberden 3-2, v Celtic 0-1. Secy. reported that a profit of £1692 would be shown on the Tournament. Lancs F. A. Mtg. Mr. E. Green reported upon the results of this meeting. A. G. M. Motions Proposes & Seconders were agreed upon. Goodison Place Secy. read letter from Messrs A. Leitch Alterations & Partners that their lowest tender for this work had been £270 & it was decided to accept same. Practice Matches Secy. reported that Liverpool F. C. had chosen August 13th so that our dates would be August 10th & 17th L. G. Sullivan Application from this O. L. for engagement, was not entertained. Letter of Thanks This was read from the Boys Brigade.