
		a free transfer. It was agreed that the Secy. be given
		power to obtain the best price that he could during
		the London week-end, before reconsidering the player's

C. S. Britton		Manchester United having requested the
		transfer of this player, it was decided not to part.

Asquith (Barnsley)	Secy. was instructed to enquire what
		price the Club required for this player.

Northern Midscok League	It was agreed not to accept the in-
		vitation to join this League.

Office Boy		It was also agreed to increase this
		employees wages to 12/6 per week.

Donation		Two Guineas was granted to the L'pool
		Juvenile Instruction Centre for their Annual Sports Fund.

Letters of Thanks	These were read from L'pool Central
		Clothing Committee, Wallasey Education Committee
		(Moreton School), W. J. Sawyer & C. R. Webster.

Use of Ground (100)	Use of Practice Ground for North
		L'pool Boy Scout on 25th June, 1938,  was granted.

Royal Visit (113)	The Chairman read these eulogies from
		Lord Derby, the Lord Mayor & West Lancashire Terr-
		itorial Association.

Transfers of Shares	Following transfers were approved:- Shares ?
		279-281 & 2293 from F. J. Mahon to A. B. Haselhurt
			nos 1192 & 2414 from M. Taylor	   to	H. Taylor
			no  80		from E. Kenight	   to	W. H. McConnell
			no  1691	from R. Mitchell   to 	do
			no  75		from T. Wood	   to	do
			no  186		from R. H. Worrall to	do
			no 1692		from J. Tyrer	   to	do
			no 1857		from R. F. James   to	do
			no 806 {133}	from W. Taylor	   to	E. Craven
			no 441		from	do	   to	M. V. Fryer
			no 133 {806}	from	do	   to	F. Davies