
		Meeting which had been held in London on 29th April, 1938.

F. L. Jubilee Fund.	It was unanimously agreed to accept
		Liverpool F. C's offer to play the scheduled match for 20th
		August, at Goodison Park.
			Secy. was instructed to reply in the
		affirmative to the League Management's Committee query, "Is
		your Board in favour of accepting contributions to the
		Fund from Football Pool promoters ?"

Royal Visit	(104)	It was decided that the Secretary make
		arrangements with reputable photographers to have 12
		sets of pictures of interest taken, on this occasion.

Players to Glasgow	It was agreed that the following players
		travel on the 28th inst.:- Sagar, Cook, Greenhalgh, Jones
		T. G. & J. E. Mercer, Thomson, Gillick, Geldard, Cunliffe,
		Lawton, Stevenson, Boyes & that Britton follow on from
		London if the first match is in our favour.

Players Signed		Secy. reported that Bentham & J. W. Davies
		had now accepted the terms offered them.

Notts County F. C.	Letter read asking our agreement
		to the payment of £1,000 re Dean's transfer, on 30th
		September next, with interest at the rate of 5% per
		annum. This request was granted. 

"A" Team Medals	(86)	Ten pounds was granted towards these.

Lyons, J.?		The engagement of this Amateur
		as Assistant to our joiner at a wage of 12/6 per week,
		& a Seasonal Railway Contract, was confirmed.

Donation		Two Guineas was granted to the
		L'pool Central Clothing Committee.

Letters of Thanks.	These were read from L'pool County
		F. A. & Blackpool F. C.

Next Meeting		Left to Chairman to fix.

					Confirmed as Correct	
					W. C. Cuff	