109 Kinghorn (Q. P.) Mr. H. Hart gave a good report of this player & Mr. R. R. Cochran's letters were read. Secy. reported that the player had signed for L'pool F. C. Milligan (Oldham) Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that he had not seen a better L. H. than this man who was 20, 6ft, & 12½ st. His placing was perfect. Brocklebank (Burnley) Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & Secy. gave good reports of this I. F. Nominations for} Secy. reported that he had received Directorate} the following nominations. W. R. Williams, of 16, Victoria Drive L'pool ?. F. S. Flinn, Bryanston Rd, Birkenhead C. M. Dolby, 51, Nth. John St. L'pool. L'pool County F. A. It was agreed to nominate Mr. W. C. Gibbins as a Vice President & the Secy. as a member of the Executive of this Council. L. C. F. A. Benevolent It was also agreed to donate Fifteen Fund Guineas to this Fund. Wyles (83) Confirmation was granted to the signing of this at wages of £3 Summer & £4 Winter. Blackpool F. C. Letter was read from this club, con- gratulating us on the winning of the Central League. Sth. L'pool Supporters An invitation to attend the Hotpot Supper of this Club, was declined. Letters of Thanks These read from McLachlan Cup Comee. & The Catholic Boys Association. Players to Watch Messrs Green, Coffey, Gibbins & Evans to see Milligan with powers to negotiate his transfer. Mr. H. Hart to see Crewe players. C. L. Championship Secy. was instructed to apply for permission to present medals to all players with 14 or more appearances. Next Meeting Monday, the 9th inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman