107 Smith (Gateshead) Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that this I. F. had played O. L. & had not had, a good day. Tagg (Crewe) Messrs A. Coffey & W. C. Gibbins gave a fair report on this player. He was not so well built, being about 5' 9" & 10st. His age was 20 & the Club wanted over £1,000. Foster (C. F.) had played well. Scottish Players Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good report of McGarry (O. L.) of Morton & reported upon the position with regard to Kinghorn, Martin & Buchanan. Roller Bridge Secy. was instructed to have this widened as necessary, in view of the Royal Visit. J. R. Thomson (69) Permission was granted to this player to travel to London on the 29th inst. Players Benefits It was agreed to apply to the Football League for permission to pay J. N. Cunliffe a further £150 in addition to the £500 already paid & also Benefits as follow:- Geldard, Cook, Jones J. E. & Mercer, £650 each & Jackson, £500. Letters of Thanks These were read from Kenwood Junrs. F. C. & L'pool Business Houses Sports Association. Players to Watch Mr. T. Percy to see Tagg, with powers to negotiate for his transfer, if satisfied. Mr. H. Hart to see Queen's Park players. Next Meeting Tuesday, the 3rd May, at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman