105 of the ground from:- Messrs Flags Ltd. £250 & Messrs T. Robinson (The Ark) Ltd. £285. The estimate of Messrs Flags Ltd. was accepted. F. L. Meeting Secy. read circular detailing suggested proposals by various Clubs. Scottish F. A. It was agreed that we release our Scottish born players for Scotland v Holland at Amsterdam on 21st May, should their services be desired. E. Hurel Confirmation was given to the transfer of this player to Northampton Town F. C. at a fee of £225. It was decided to apply for permission to pay the player £50. L'pool Senior Cup Confirmation was also given to the date suggested by Tranmere Rovers F. C., ie May 11th, for the Final of this Cup. Letters of Thanks These read from The Football League & the Boys Brigade. Next Meeting Tuesday, 26th inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman