104 Gillick, Bentham, Bell, H. Sharp, Trentham Res. Dougal. v Manchester City Res. (a) 25th inst. Lanc's Cup, 1st Rnd. Morton, Jackson, Greenhalgh, Britton, Gee, Lindley, Gillick, Bentham, Bell, Dougal, Trentham Res. Watson. Directors Away To Birmingham:- Messrs E. Green & G. Evans. To Manchester:- Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey. To Wembley:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, A. Coffey & G. Evans. Robinson (Wedy) Mr. H. Hart stated that this player had been great, in every phase of the game. Brocklebank (Burnley) He also reported that this man who had played C. F. was not so good as he was at I. L. Mr. J. Fare thought that he had done nothing to recommend him. Stoke Players Mr. J. Fare also reported that Steele & West- Land, I. F's., had been very good. Tagg (Crewe) Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that this player had not been quite good & seemed state. Scottish Players Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a poor report of McIntyre O. R. of Hibernians & informed that Kinghorn was not re signing for Queen's Park. Secy. was ins- tructed, that , if this were true, he should again write the Club. N. E. Players Mr. W. Laine reported well of Stubbins, I. R., of Newcastle Utd., Who was 19 & 5'11" & of Smith, I. F., of Gateshead. Boyes (102) Secy. was instructed to have this player examined by Dr. W. T. Davies. Lancs. F. A. It was agreed to nominate the retiring Candidates for this Council. Players Signed Secy. reported that all players had re- signed, with the exception of Gee, Bentham, Lindley & J. W. Davies. It was agreed to revise offers to the following players:- Gee £6 Summer & £7 Winter. Lindley £5 & £5. Glasgow Exhibition (89) It was agreed to make the Skelmorlie Hydro Hotel, Ayrshire, our headquarters. Royal Visit (100) Estimates were received for Decorating