98 Goodison Place The Chairman reported that the necess- ary order for the stopping-up of the portion of this highway required for our ground improvement, had now been granted. Secy. was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the order & to draw the authorities attention to the con- dition of the road surface, in view of Their Majesties proposed visit; also he was to inform Messrs A. Leitch & Sons of the position. H. M. King's Visit Mr. W. C. Cuff reported upon the Meeting held at the Town Hall on the 31st ult., & requested all Directors who were at liberty, to attend at Goodison Park to receive Lord Derby at 11:30 a.m. on the 8th inst. Notts County F.C. It was agreed that the terms of the transfer of W. R. Dean to the Club be modified & that we agree to accept £1,000 down & a further £1,000 at the Season's end. F.L. Jubilee Fund It was also agreed & resolved that we make a contribution to this Fund of £2,000 in all, including the share of gate in the proposed match v Liverpool F.C. in August next. Retain & Transfer List It was agreed to offer the following players, teams:- Sagar, Morton, Jones J. E., Jackson, Cook, Thomson, Britton, Mercer, Geldard, Gillick, Cunliffe, Stevenson, Lawton, Boyes, £6 Summer & £8 Winter; Greenhalgh, Jones J. E. & Bell, £9 & £7, Gee, £5 & £6; Bentham & Watson £4 & £6; Lindley & J. W. Davies, £4 & £5; Saunders & Edwards £3 & £4; Trentham £2/10/- & £4; Catterick £2 & £3; Lambert £2 & £2/10-; J. Davies £2 & £2 Merritt £1/15/- & £1/15/-. Dougal to be put on the Transfer List at £250 & Laidman at £350. Next Meeting Tuesday, the 12th inst., at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman