88 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, 15th March, 1938] Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, R. R. Turnbull, A. Gates & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 8th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Newcastle Utd. Res. £103.15.4 A cheque was signed:- Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £320.0.0 Bank Balance £26,643.7.8 Dr. Results Reports were given of the Matches:- v P. N. E. 1-2, v Sth. L'pool 4-1, v Newcastle Res. 6-1, v B. I. Social 1-1. Officials Reports Dr. W. T. Davies & Mr. H. E. Cooke's reports were presented to the meeting. W. R. Dean Confirmation was given to the transfer of this player to Notts County F. C. at a fee of £2,000, due on or before 31st inst. & we to apply to the League for permission to pay the player £390 as Accrued Share of Benefit. Teams Following teams were chosen:- Sagar, Greenhalgh, Jones J. E., Britton, Jones T. G., Watson, Gillick, Cunliffe, Lawton, Bell, Boyes. Res. Stevenson. v Stoke City Res. (a) 17th inst. Morton, Jackson, Thomson, Lindley, Edwards, Davies, Geldard, Hurel, Catterick, Dougal, Trentham, Res. Gee. Dr. to Stoke Messrs A. Coffey & T. Percy. Enquiries re Players Secy. reported certain clubs interest in members of our Staff & it was agreed as follows:- that Trentham Cunliffe were not for transfer & that fixed price be set on Cook £6,500 & Gee £2,000.