80 Tyson's, Ltd., 5th inst. £4000. 0.0 Theo. Kelly Salary £ 41.13.4 do Wages &c. £ 370. 0.0 Bank Balance £21715.7.6 Dr. Results Reports were given of the matches:- v L'pool 1-3, v Wolverhampton W. 0-1, v W'ton W. Res. 1-3, v Haydock 8-2. Dr's. Report The Medical report was presented to the meeting. Teams. Following teams were chosen:- v Leeds Utd. (a) 26th inst. Morton, Greenhalgh, Jones J. E., Britton, Jones T. G. or Gee, Watson, Geldard, Cunliffe, Lawton, Stevenson, Gillick. Res. Davies. v Liverpool Res. (a) 23rd inst. Sagar, Jackson, Thomson, Lindley, Gee, Mercer, Merritt, Bentham, Bell, Dougal, Trentham. Res. Laidman. v W. B. A. Res. (h) 26th inst. To be selected on 23rd inst., at Anfield. Director to Leeds Mr. E. Green. Hornby (Burnley) Mr. W. C. Gibbins did not fancy this player but recommended Smailes (O. L.) Stockport. Dublin Bohs. Players Secy. gave a good report of Glenavon (O. R.) of this team & both he & Mr. H. Hart were impressed by Fullen (C. F.), whose only disadvantage was his height. Osman (S'ton) Mr. H. Hart thought this O. L. should be seen again although he had done nothing after the first 15 minutes. He was 5'9½" to 5'10". Howe (Bolton) Mr. R. Rogers gave a very poor report of this I. L. Sargeant (Chester) Mr. H. Lyon was not particularly imp- ressed by this O. L. who was injured early on. Review of Playing Strength Secy. reported that Wolves F. C., were not prepared to part just now with Ashall or Thompson, similarly with Bolton Wanderers F. C. & Howe, & that Rangers F. c. would inform us of any proposed more regarding Venters (I. L.).