Maguire (O. R.) & Ashall (O. L.). Secy. reported that the Club
were prepared with Thompson I. F. for £6,500. Decided
that the Chairman speaks to Mr. W. J. Oakley at the week-
end in London.
Howe & McIntosh Mr. H. Lyon reported very well of McIn-
tosh (I. R.) Wolverhampton & Jones (O. L.) of Bolton but was not
impressed by Howe (I. L.) Bolton or Rooney (I. L.) Wolverhampton.
Oldham Players Mr. W. Laine gave good reports of Prico (L. B.),
Ratcliffe (C. H.) & Milligan (L. H.).
Jones (Wrexham) Mr. R. Rogers reported that this O. R.
was a good footballer but lacked pluck. This opinion
was supported by the verbal one of T. G. Jones.
Enquiries re Players Secy. reported that Stoke were not parting
with matthews just now, nor Millwall with J. C. R. Smith.
Blackburn had enquired re Jackson & Dougal. It
was agreed not to consider transferring the former,
but to offer Dougal for a price not below £750.
F. L. Jubilee Secy. was instructed to apply for the
maximum number of tickets for the Dinner of 30th May, 1938.
Donations Request of Leighton F.C. re Lovett
was not entertained. Twenty pounds was granted
to the League of Welldoers in lieu of a collection.
J. N. Cunliffe Application by this player for recon-
sideration of his benefit allowance, was considered,
& it was agreed to defer decision until the end
of the Season.
Letters of Thanks These were read from Mr. H. Newborn,
& the Cheadle Heath Junior Sports Club.
Players to Watch Mr. A. Coffey to see Hornby & Asquith.
Mr. G. Evans do Jones(Bolton).
Next Meeting Tuesday, the 15th inst., at 5:15 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
W. C. Cuff