71 at Halifax on 12th Feby., the gate to be distributed as on F.A. Cup tie terms. New Players Secy. reported that West Ham United were not prepared to part with Morton or Goulden; West Bromwich Albion wanted the best offer below £2750 for Woods; & Burnley were asking £1000 for Richardson. Grand National It was agreed to entertain the Staff & Players as in former years, at this Race Meeting. Players' Coach The Chairman's action in releasing Mr. H. Hart from this position was confirmed. A. Geldard This player was granted permission to travel to Huddersfield on Friday, the 4th inst. Use of Ground This was granted for the Daily Dispatch Schoolboys Final & the R. W. Jenkins Cup Final. Letters of Thanks These were read from Messrs J. Sharp, the Lancs. F.A., & the Army F.A. Players on Transfer Lists were read from Barnsley, Wrexham & Southend United F.C.'s. Bank Overdraft Certain necessary mortgage documents W.C.C. relative to the overdraft of £40,000 were approved, signed & sealed. Next Meeting Tuesday the 8th inst. at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.