
		P. Lovett, Jackson, Greenhalgh or Thomson, Lindley, Gee, Watson,
		Arthur, Bentham, Bell, Dougal, J. Davies. Res. Davies J. W.

Dir. to Bolton		Mr. G. Evans.

M/c Utd. Players	Mr. W. C. Cuff & Dr. C. S. Baxter were impressed
		by Redwood (R. B.) & Carey (I. L.) but thought Rowley (O. L.) was
		somewhat indifferent. Asquith I. L. of Barnsley had
		played well.

J. Smith (Swindon)	Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of this L. B.

W. Smith (Bristol R.)	Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a very good report
		of this L. B. who was 18, 5'9" & 10 st. 7 lb. He was also
		impressed by Spiven (O. L.) of Torquay, small, sturdy & fast.

Connor (Sunderland)	Mr. W. Laine stated that this O. L. had
		played cleverly & well, but had taken no bodily risks,
		probably owing to his previous accident.

Clifton (C'field)	He also wrote that he, now, could not
		recommend this I. R.

Caskie (St. Johnstone)	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good
		report of this O. L. but the Club were still not pre-
		pared to transfer him. They had refused an offer of £5,000.

F.L. Match v L'pool	Secy. was instructed to offer 16th
		Feb'y for this rearranged F.L. fixture.

Saunders G. E.	(57)	It was agreed to offer this amateur
		£4 per week, to become a full time professional.

Donation		Ten pounds was granted to the
		Cheadle Heath Sports Club, in respect of Catterick.

Use of Ground		Application received from the L'pool
		Boys Association but not granted.

L'pool Police F.C.	Letter read requesting the services of
		W. R. Dean as Referee for a Charity match on the 30th March.
		This was granted.

Transfer of Shares	Following transfer was approved:-
		Shares Nod. 175 & 2359 from Xor. R. A. Gratton to J. L. Gratton.

Lost Script		An indemnity having been produced,
		it was agreed to issue new script to the Exors. Vasey H. Deacon.