61 Director to B'pool Mr. T. Percy. F.A. Cup 4th Round Sec'y formally reported that we had been drawn v Sunderland (h) on the 22nd inst. Bank Overdraft Chairman reported upon his interview with Mr. T. H. Pyke; & the lodging of certain deeds & documents at the Midland Bank, & the issue of the necessary memorandum; were approved & authorized. Greenhalgh (N. B.) Mr. J. Fare reported that this F. B. could play on the right or left, & had the makings of a good player. He was 5'9" & 10½ st. Rowley & Redwood (M/c Utd.) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave very good reports of these players. Clifton (C'field) Mr. W. Laine gave a fairly good opinion of this F. B. who had played on the left. He appeared to be a half-breed; was 22, 5'11" & 11 st. 8. Scottish Players Mr. R. R. Cochran gave good reports of McKennan, Walker & Black. He had also heard well of Hamilton (O. L.) Carlisle Utd. Holdham (Runcorn) Mr. S. E. Pickering reported that this I. R. had good ideas, but was slow & inclined to hold the ball too long. He was 6 ft. & well built. Postponed Matches Sec'y was authorized to agree to Jan'y 26th inst. for F.L. match v Brentford (subject to mutual conclusion of Cup Ties) & Feb'y 2nd for C. L. match v Blackburn Rovers F.C. Ground Committee These of the 28th Decr. were read & Minutes confirmed. It was agreed to discard the idea of using "Sistacraft" on the ground, but that with regard to Goodison Ave. roadway, the Sec'y obtain estimates for the necessary repairs. Special Training Mr. E. Green reported upon the effect of the week at Bushey. It was decided that for the