
Xmas Cards		Secy. was instructed to keep in
		mind, the issue of Annual Greetings Cards to other
		Football League Clubs in future years & to obtain
		suggestions & estimates for an official Everton F.C.
		crest for notepaper, &c.

Egan (Aldershot)	Letter read recommending this I. L.
		Secy. was instructed to enquire about this player, of
		Mr. D. McCracken.

Players to Watch	Mr. H. Hart to watch Asquith (Barnsley).
			Mr. T. Fleetwood do Connelly (Newcastle).
			Others to be left to Secretary.

Felton & Laidman	Secy. was instructed to notify
		Chester F.C. that the former could be transferred for
		£200 & the latter for £750. Secy. was given similar
		powers to last week with respect to Laidman,
		i.e., to accept any figure down to £500.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, 4th Jany., at 5:15 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Cuff