
		H. Merritt, Bell, Dean, Stevenson, Gillick. Res. Cuff.

Drs. to Portsmouth		Messrs E. Green & G. Evans.

Griffiths (Bolton)		Mr. J. Fare could not give a definite
		opinion of this R. B., owing to the bad weather conditions.

Carabine			Letter read that the club were not
		prepared to part.

Scottish Players		Mr. R. R. Cochran that he had heard.
		good reports of Joyner (O. L.) Raith Rovers; that Kinghorn
		had played well at O. R.; & Smith (C. F.) Rangers, would
		like to change his Club. He was 27.

J. P. Smith (Millwall)		Mr. E. Burgon sent a very good report
		of this O. L. who was 5'8" & 11½ st. He also reported well
		of Heppel (G) Port Vale.

Pritchard & Formstone		Mr. S. E. Pickering gave excellent
(Oswestry)	reports of the former an O. L., & the latter at I. R.

F. A. Cup 3rd Rnd.		Sec'y. reported formally that we had been
		drawn to play Chelsea (a) & it was decided that following
		the Arsenal game on the 1st Jan'y., the team stay at
		Bushey Hall until the day of the match.

J. Arthur			Request of this player for increase
		of salary was not entertained.

Letters of Thanks		Read from Y. M. C. A. & Workmen's Mission.

Players to Watch		Mr. W. C. Cuff to see Turner (Charlton)

Hobbis (Charlton)		It was decided that the Chairman
		be empowered to secure this player, with powers to £6,000,
		& if successful, the player to take the place of Trentham
		at Portsmouth.

Next Meeting			Tuesday, the 21st inst. at 5.15 pm.
						  Confirmed as correct.
							W. C. Cuff