47 S. Drury Mr. W. C. Gibbins offered to use his influence to have this boy employed in our district. Xmas Boxes It was decided that these be given as last year. S. Bloomer Fund Five Guineas was granted to this Fund. A. Cowell Application for a post for this ex- players, as Scout, was not entertained. Donations Two guineas each was granted to the Central Y. M. C. A. & South End Workmen's Mission. Letter of Thanks Read from Everton Red Triangle Boys Club. Players on Transfer Lists read from Sunderland, Bolton Wands, Gillingham & Notts County F. C's but no action taken. Players to Watch Messrs W. C. Cuff & G. Evans to watch Turner. Electrical Experiment Mr. E. Green reported on the apparent success of the anti-frost experiment. It was duly noted that to-day on a frostbound ground, these was a vast improvement in the condition of the surface. Next Meeting Tuesday, the 14th inst., at 5.15 p.m. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman. Bullens Rd. It was agreed that certain renewal Electrical Work work be carried out on the lighting of this Stand at the estimated cost of Eleven pounds, Ten shgs. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.