46 but he could not recommend him, as he overdribbled. Taylor (Burton) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a poor report of this L. B. who was 26. Gillies (Clyde) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good report of this O. L. but stated that the Club were not prepared to part with him just now. Swindon Players Mr. E. Burgon gave a poor report of Smith (L. B.) of this Club, but a very good report of Lucas, (I. R.) who was 5'7", 22 & stockily built. Smith (Millwall) Mr. W. J. Wallace gave an excellent report of this O. L. who was about 25 & of South African origin. He was 5'10" & 11 st. Charlton players Sec'y. reported that Turner (R. B.) £8,000., Hobbis, (O. L.) £6,000.; & Monday (R. B.) could be obtained. Blair (B'pool) This I. L. was quoted as being on offer at £6,500, but no action was taken. P. Dougal Request from Stockport County F. C. for this player's transfer was not entertained. Norwich City F. C. Sec'y. instructed to offer the Club, Davies at the price of £1,500. R. C. Bell Request from Burnley F. C. for this player's transfer was not entertained. Griffiths (M/c Utd.) Letter read stating that it was possible to obtain this F. B. W. R. Dean Sec'y. reported breaches of training rules by this player. Decided that no action be taken for the present. War Loan It was agreed not to realise on this investment. Paint Sprayer Ground Committee's recommendation to purchase one of these machines was adopted. Player's Benefits Decided that consideration of these be deferred until April. Merritt & Lovett It was agreed that no offer be made to these Amateurs just now.