38 To Portsmouth:- Mr. W. C. Cuff & Dr. C. S. Baxter. Report re Internat'l Match Mr. W. C. Cuff reported that the Scottish team had at Hampden been very much better than England & that Cummings (L. B.) of Partick was the best back he had seen for some time, whilst Massey & Brown (W. H's) & Mills (I. L) had also played very well. Mecca Cafe {(36)} Chairman notified the Board that this Co., had now applied for an occasional licence at Goodison Park to sell intoxicants with meals. {(40)} Photograph {(36)} Quotations received from Carbonora, £14/9/- & F. A. Type £9/12/. The latter was accepted. Club Ties Consideration of these deferred. Distributing passage Messrs A. Leitch recommended the acceptance of an estimate for this work, tendered by Messrs Tysons, of £38. This was approved & accepted. Bowaters F. C. This Club reported the receipt of £20.18.0 as a result of the Jubilee Trust Fund Match between the two Clubs. 12, Gwladys St. Agreed that this house be left untenanted. Donation Appeals Letters read from South End Workmen's Mission & Gordon Smith Institute but not entertained. Stadium Board Agreed that permission to parade this, be withdrawn. Transfer of Shares {(20)} Shares Nod. 2411 & 600-602 from Exors. S. Taylor to F. Taylor was approved. {(41)} Two Referees Mr. W. C. Cuff reported that he had given notice to the F. A. that he would bring forward the question of the right of Clubs to appoint 2 Referees in their practice matches. {(229)} Players to Watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Carver. Next Meeting On Monday, 2nd September at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman