
Micca Cafe Co.		After receiving a report of this Company's
(See Below)	suggestions, it was decided to accept their quotation to cater
		on match days for the Directors Rooms, Press etc at £2 per match.

Photograph	(34)	Sec'y instructed to get quotations for
		photograph of the players to be taken, the negative to be the
		property of this Company. (38)

F. A. Letters	(27)	Mr. W. C. Cuff reported receipts of letter from
		F. A. re the suggestion of 2 Referees in Practice matches & his 
		reply Thereto. He also had interviewed the player regarding
		suggested filming of training for educational film purposes,
		to which they had agreed subject to the Brard's consent.
		This was approved & granted.

Ellesmere Port Town F. C. Appeal for Donation was not enter-
		tained, but agreed that a team be sent to play a match
		on the 31st. inst.

Letters of Thanks	This read from Occupational benefits Comee.

Transfer of Shares	Following transfer of Shares were approved.
		Shares 446,590 & 591 from G. C. Sneade to W. Sneade.
		do 2002 to 2004 from Exors A McNicoll to O. A. McNicoll.

Occupational Centres	Decided to appoint Mr. H. Hart to
Football Comee.	represent the Club on this Committee.

Players to watch	Mr. W. C. Cuff to watch Scotland v England.

Micca Cafe	(34)	The Chairman reported that their rep-
(see above)	resentative had been to see him & had expressed their desire
		to make an early application for a license at Goodison
		Park for intoxicants with meals, subject to the approval
		of the Directors. Those Directors present had no objection to
		offer. (107)

						Confirmed as Correct
							W. C. Cuff